It is amazing to me how even in our advanced age of technology where new gadgets come out to make our lives simpler or maybe even more exciting nothing still compares to the beauty of nature in the form of a flower. It is said that about 3000 years ago, not even King Solomon in all his splendor could compare to the Lilies of the Field. In this case, the lilies of the field where probably Anemones that grew wild in the region of Palestine near the Sea of Galilee where they still grow wild today. These anemones neither toil nor do they spin, yet they are not surpassed in elegance by anything made by man. I was reminded of the story of Lilies of the Field because at this moment I have in my office desk a base of red anemones with white ranunculus.

Here at EC Flowers and More, I am proud to be part of an organization that helps bring this beauty into the lives of many persons in the U.S.
Here at EC Flowers and More, I am proud to be part of an organization that helps bring this beauty into the lives of many persons in the U.S by providing many flowers for all occasions for persons to express their sentiment of peace and tranquility in a time of breakneck speed and worry. The message of the Lilies of the Field is “Don´t worry, be happy, beauty is all around us”!

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